This appliction is based on the official block explorer for the EarthCoin currency. Therefore its functionality depends on the correct function of the block explorer.
Block counter In the top left conner of the application window you shloud see the current EarthCoin blockchain height and time from last sync. You can anytime click on the refresh icon to read new blocks. Please do not use this application if you do not see a block number or the time from last block is too high (more that several minutes). Such a case indicate a problem with the block explorer and you can lose you coins if you will use it despite this warning.
Wallet - In this window you can enter an EarthCoin address, your private key or your password for your brain-wallet. It is your responsibility to store the private key or password safely, this application will not remember it for you nor send them to any remote site. An autodetection should recognize EarthCoin addresses and private keys, other inputs are considered as passwords. Please check everytime if the correct indicator is lighting. If you use an EarthCoin address, the application switch itself to the read-only mode and you will not be able to send the EarthCoins.
Balance - In this window you can see the balance on your account. In the advanced mode you can see individual unspent transactions and you can select which one you want to spent. Only transactions with 6 or more confirmations in the blockchain are spendable.
Receive - Here you should see the QR code for your EarthCoin address. Optionally you can enter the requested amount of EarthCoins. The QR-code then show to your customer, who can scan it into his wallet for the payment.
Send - This window is avaiable only if you use your private key or brain-wallet password. There are two fields for destination addresses here by default. The first one is for a "go back" transaction. It is a feature of blockchain transactions that you have always to spent all coins from the source transaction, so if you wish only partial spent, you have to send the rest of the source amount to back your address. In advanced mode you can modify this address for the "go-back" transaction, but it is your responsibility to use the correct address for which you own the private key. Optionally you can add arbitrary number of addresses to which you want send to coins in a single transaction. You can also pay a transaction fee for speeding up your transaction and to support the network. If your device has a camera, you can scan the addresses from QR-codes. For QR-code scan please click on the camera icon in the appropriate row. Inputs are verified automatically and if everything is correct, the button "Send" will be enabled. After click on this button a summary of you transaction will be shown and then you can confirm it or cancel.
List of changes - version 1.1: - a faster library for QR-code scaning - address/private key can be scaned from a QR-code - added an icon for camera turn off after QR-code scan
List of changes - version 1.2: - switched to the new API v.2 - enabled transaction messages